The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution is a revolutionary weight loss program that teaches an unorthodox approach to dieting and losing weight.
These days there is so much conflicting information available within the diet industry, it can be hard to make sense of it all. We are often being told we need to eat less grains, more protein, whole grains, and let’s not even start on the way that simple carbohydrates have been branded as some kind of devil’s work.
About 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution
This is a fat loss and exercise program with a difference. It focuses on revealing myths presented to dieters regarding their consumption of white rice and other carbohydrates. The creator of this program introduces us to the idea that you can trick the body to use fat as a primary source of energy first, which is a common low carb approach to weight loss, common to modern diets.
However, because carbs are muscle sparring, meaning they help prevent your body from breaking down lean muscle tissue for energy, they are also necessary within our diets to ensure we are rebuilding our bodies and getting stronger and leaner. The idea behind the 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution is to use macro patterning to essentially cycle the carb consumption. Tricking the body to convert fat to muscle needs less carbs, whereas developing a stronger physique require more of them.
Essentially to combat this and confuse your body, you will find that cycling cheat days and low carb days helps you to still eat the foods you want, whilst also adhering to a high protein diet. The days are based around a prescribed schedule. Some days you’ll be burning more fat and then there will be others wherein you’ll do a bit less and have time to regroup. This allows you to overcome the adaptive response that normally hinders weight loss and fat burning progress.
Effectively this method means that you will be are constantly manipulating your body’s response to its intake of food, and as a result it won’t switch into ‘starvation mode’. Instead it will be a fat burning furnace all the time. Because of the near constant results you’ll see, and the subsequent motivation this inspires, this is a fat loss protocol that is way easier to stick to than others.
Key points of 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution?
This specially crafted and highly effective program was created by the fitness couple Shaun and Karen Hadsall: both fitness experts and authors. Shaun has been a body training expert for over 15 years and his work has been featured across the globe on health and fitness websites, magazines and supplements.
People from western countries such as the UK, parts of Europe and America don’t eat rice as a staple. That said, there is still an obesity crisis happening in these areas. In South East Asia, where rice is a dietary staple, rates of obesity are lower than anywhere in the world. In fact as few as only 14% of people are overweight with just 3% obese.
Although some part of this remarkable difference can be attributed to socio-economic factors such as people’s activity levels and disposable income used to spend on food, some of it is also down to WHAT they are eating.
The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution Program is an exciting, fresh look at the real truth behind carb consumption. Whilst many diet books regurgitate rhetoric about cutting white carbs; this looks at the root causes of being overweight, whilst attempting to dispel dietary myths.
What are the advantages of the 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution?
The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution program is easy to manage and very prescriptive. This means that it is set to take the stress out of dieting by giving very clear instructions about how to achieve your goals.
Shaun went through all the things normal guys do before he found success in his niche and managed to sculpt the body he always dreamed of. Like many of us, he was skinny at school, and spent eight years exercising daily and avoiding carbohydates, just as he had read would help him. However, even with this he just couldn’t get below 20% bodyfat. Until he discovered carb cycling, which underpins the whole program of Fitness Program. This is a tried and tested method, perfected over the years to suit anyone.
Since the program’s release, Shaun and Karen have helped scores of thousands of people achieve the body of their dreams in just 12 weeks. It is highly effective and successful, which give it an advantage over some other exercise programs on the market.
Designed to be super accessible, this program has been specifically crafted to help people of all backgrounds, genders and ages transform their body and lifestyle. There is nothing exclusive about the program, and it has varying levels.
4 Cycle Fitness Program uses a mixed-multimedia format, which makes it cater to all learning styles. Combining PDF ebooks and a 45-minute (mp3) audio track, the program can be accessed ‘on the go’ or within the safety of your home. Wherever you are, if you’ve got an audio-playback device or PDF reader: you’ll have the indispensable advice in your pocket. So if you’ve hit the gym and want to remind yourself of appropriate exercises, you can listen in on an mp3 player or smart phone. Let’s say you’re out to dine and can’t remember the protein choices for that day, just hop onto your phone and check the guidelines.
What you’ll get when you purchase 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution
As its name would suggest, there are four cycles or phases to this system, which you follow consequently in order to achieve the best results.
The first cycle is the hardest and sets the aspirational target of losing 5 to 15 pounds in just 7 days. This is because you will be eating almost pure protein and reprogramming your metabolism. The following two stages are aimed at still keeping carbs low, but basically mixing up your carb consumption, so as to confuse of trick the body.
The 4th and final cycle is the Diet Break or maintenance phase. This is where the habits have been grooved and maintenance needs to just keep things in check.
You get expertly created meal plans, guidelines and information, a 60 day moneyback guarantee and a svelte and toned new you.
For its price, the 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution is an absolute bargain that targets fat loss in a scientifically proven way. We unreservedly recommend this program as the path to your weight loss success, and a brighter future!